Assignemnt #77 and 75th program


  ///Name: Derrick Andreasen
///Period: 7
///Program name: 75th Program
///File name:
///Date Finished:12/16/2015

import java.util.Scanner;

import java.util.Random;

public class Sev5Prog
	public static void main( String[] args )
        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
		int nextroom = 1;
		String choice = "";

		while ( nextroom != 0 )
			if ( nextroom == 1 )
				System.out.println( "You are in a very small room. There is a \"door\" to the north and a \"window\" to the south." );
				System.out.print( "> " );
				choice = keyboard.nextLine();
				if ( choice.equals("window") )
					nextroom = 2;
				else if ( choice.equals("door") )
					nextroom = 3;
					System.out.println( choice + " wasn't one of the options. Try again." );
			if ( nextroom == 2 )
				System.out.println( "You look out the window. The sun is rising over the mountains. There's nothing to do here except go \"back\"." );
				System.out.print( "> " );
				choice = keyboard.nextLine();
				if ( choice.equals("back") )
					nextroom = 1;
					System.out.println( choice + " wasn't one of the options. Try again." );
			if ( nextroom == 3 )
				System.out.println( "You go through the door and find yourself in a plain hallway. Oddly, there is only a single" );
				System.out.println( "\"door\" visible. other than the doors, the hall has nothing to it, and it ends about fifteen feet in front of you." );
				System.out.println( "Do you want to enter the \"door\" or go \"back\" to the room you came from?" );
                System.out.print( "> " );
				choice = keyboard.nextLine();				
				if ( choice.equals("door") )
					nextroom = 4;
				else if ( choice.equals("back") )
					nextroom = 1;
					System.out.println( choice + " wasn't one of the options. Try again." );
			if ( nextroom == 4 )
				System.out.println( "The door is now behind you. You look around and see you are in a field." );
				System.out.println( "To the \"east\" are some horses, and to the \"west\" is a small town." );
				System.out.println( "Which direction will you head?" );
                System.out.print( "> " );
            choice = keyboard.nextLine();
            if ( choice.equals("east") )
            nextroom = 5;
            else if ( choice.equals("west") )
            nextroom = 6;
            else if ( choice.equals("back"))
            nextroom = 3;
					System.out.println( choice + " wasn't one of the options. Try again." );
             if ( nextroom == 6 )
                 System.out.println( "You attempt to make your way to the town. However, it appears that you don't have enough energy to get it." );
                 System.out.println( "It seems that your only choice is to go \"back\"." );
                 System.out.print( "> " );
                 choice = keyboard.nextLine();
                 if (choice.equals("back"))
                     nextroom = 4;
                     System.out.print( choice + " wasn't one of the options. Try again." );
            if ( nextroom == 5 )
                System.out.println( "You made your way to the horses. They seem friendly. Will you try to ride a \"horse\", or go \"back\"." );
                System.out.print( "> " );
                 choice = keyboard.nextLine();
                 if (choice.equals("back"))
                     nextroom = 4;
                else if (choice.equals("horse"))
                    nextroom = 7;
                     System.out.print( choice + " wasn't one of the options. Try again." );
            if ( nextroom == 7 )
                System.out.println( "You jumped onto the horse and, before you could do anything, it takes off in the direction the town. " );
                System.out.println( "After some time with the horse, you make it to the town. You hear people having normal conversations. " );
                System.out.println( "You get off the horse and it runs back to the other horses. Do you want to \"explore\" the town?" );
                System.out.print( "> " );
                 choice = keyboard.nextLine();
                 if (choice.equals("back"))
                     nextroom = 8;
                else if (choice.equals("explore"))
                    nextroom = 9;
                     System.out.print( choice + " wasn't one of the options. Try again." );
            if ( nextroom == 8 )
                System.out.println( "You try to go back but it's too far. You decide to stay in the town. You should \"explore\" the town." );
                System.out.print( "> " );
                 choice = keyboard.nextLine();
                 if (choice.equals("explore"))
                    nextroom = 9;
                     System.out.print( choice + " wasn't one of the options. Try again." );
            if ( nextroom == 9 )
              System.out.println( "You look around town. You find two locations where you might be find answers to what's going on." );
                System.out.println( "Do you check out the \"tavern\" or the \"police station\"?" );
                choice = keyboard.nextLine();
                 if (choice.equals("tavern"))
                     nextroom = 10;
                else if (choice.equals("police station"))
                    nextroom = 11;
                     System.out.print( choice + " wasn't one of the options. Try again." );
            if ( nextroom == 10 )
                System.out.println( "You enter the tavern. A Bar fight is going on. You try to leave, but a glass mug comes out of nowhere and knocks you out!" );
                System.out.println( "GAME OVER!" );
                nextroom = 0;
            if( nextroom == 11 )
                System.out.println( "You go to the police station and as soon as you start asking questions, They arrest you." );
                System.out.println( "You have a sentence of twenty years in prison." );
                System.out.println( "GAME OVER!" );
                nextroom = 0;


Picture of the output

Assignment 77